DPR Speaker: Simultaneous Pilkada Must Be Democratic, Political Parties Set Examples

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPR Puan Maharani emphasized that the 2020 Pilkada must be democratic. Political parties (parpol) are asked to set an example in politics.

"We hope that political parties, which are pillars of democracy are very important for the political system and democracy in our country, we also play an active role in providing examples of how to politically democratically based on Pancasila," said Puan during the Joint Session of the DPR at the Parliament complex, Senayan, Friday. , August 14th.

Puan hopes that the community will actively participate in the Pilkada, which will be held in December 2020. Through the Pilkada, it is hoped that the best regional heads will be elected to build progress in their regions.

"This democratic party is a political process of the Indonesian nation towards a political life that is more democratic, transparent, accountable and responsible," continued Puan.

In her speech, Puan also talked about efforts to realize an advanced Indonesia. Development politics must also be able to open space and access for people's participation.

"Because every citizen also bears the same responsibility in contributing to the national interest," he said.