How The MPR Promotes 4 Pillars In The Middle Of COVID-19

JAKARTA - The chairman of the MPR, Bambang Soesatyo, said that his party had formed an MPR Socialization Body with 45 members. Its members come from representatives of the DPD factions and groups.

According to Bambang Soesatyo, the formation of this body is the task of the MPR in relation to the assessment of the constitutional system, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and its implementation.

"In this plenary session, allow us to convey the progress of the implementation of the MPR's duties," said Bambang Soesatyo at the annual session, Jakarta, Friday, August 14.

In addition, he said, his party had also carried out the socialization of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, the Republic of Indonesia and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. Then carry out the MPR RI Decree, review the constitutional system, the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and its implementation, and absorb the aspirations of the community and regions regarding the implementation of the Constitution.

"The first task is related to the Socialization of the Four Pillars of the MPR. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the method of socializing the Four Pillars of the MPR was also adjusted. So that socialization activities can be carried out in accordance with the MPR's performance targets," he said.

In addition to the implementation of the MPR Four Pillars socialization, he said, the MPR carried out a movement to actualize the values of the four pillars of the MPR to respond to various conditions of society, nation and state, through the MPR Care Against COVID-19 Program.

"As well as other programs that aim to help the community in dealing with this COVID-19 pandemic," he said.