Nadiem Makarim's Ministry Wants Everyone Can Learn Again In Class, No Need For A Limited System

JAKARTA - The Director General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Secondary Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemendikbudristek), Jumeri encourages various parties to accelerate the implementation of full face-to-face learning (PTM).

"We encourage various parties to accelerate the implementation of PTM, not limited but full," he said at the Virtual Press Conference 'Social Movement Collaboration Let's Show Hand', Thursday, December 9, as reported by Antara.

Online learning has an impact on decreasing learning outcomes or being left behind by children due to the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the pandemic has also resulted in the threat of dropping out of school, early marriage, domestic violence against children and a decrease in children's competitiveness.

Jumeri also noted that currently many children have dropped out of school, the number of Early Childhood Education (PAUD) students has decreased due to many parents delaying or not sending their children to PAUD level.

The pandemic also causes boredom in children. According to Jumeri, efforts need to be made to overcome this saturation. He suggested that children be invited to exercise for their physical and mental health.

"During the pandemic, we must pay more attention to children's health both physically and mentally. One of the activities that can overcome this boredom is by exercising which can have a positive impact on children's physical and mental health," said Jumeri.

In addition to exercise, children also need adequate nutritional intake to benefit from increasing energy, brain performance, mood, preventing various diseases and losing weight.

"Types of healthy food that we can serve to children include vegetables, meat, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds and seafood as well as milk. Milk is a vital need for children for optimal growth and development," said Jumeri.

On the other hand, the implementation of health protocols is also continued, namely wearing masks, washing hands with running water and soap, maintaining distance, staying away from crowds and limiting mobility and interaction.