It's Revealed That Soap Opera Actor Jeff Smith Has Consumed LSD Since Middle School

JAKARTA - The police stated that soap opera actor Jeff Smith had been consuming LSD or Lysergic Acid Diethylamide for a long time. Based on the examination, the soap opera has consumed since junior high school (SMP).

"Starting since junior high school in 2017," said Head of Sub-Directorate 1 of the Narcotics Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police, AKBP Ferry Nur Abdullah to reporters, Thursday, December 9.

However, regarding the last order for 50 LSD sheets, Ferry stated that he could not explain it. The reason is that the investigation is still ongoing.

"It's still being investigated," he said.

Jeff Smith was arrested by the Directorate of Drug Investigation of the Polda Metro Jaya on Wednesday, December 8. The arrest took place at his residence at Jalan Kelapa B 4 number 11, Depok, West Java.

During the arrest process, the police found evidence in the form of 2 LSD sheets. From the results of the examination, Jeff Smith bought 50 sheets of LSD online.

In this case, Jeff Smith will be charged with Law No. 35 of 2009. The threat is at least 5 years in prison.

With this arrest, the soap opera actor has had two dealings with the police regarding narcotics cases. Because, Jeff Smith was arrested by the West Jakarta Metro Police with evidence of marijuana on April 15.