Reported To The Honorary Board Because It Is Considered Arbitrary, Chairman Of Commission B Of DKI DPRD: It's OK

JAKARTA - The chairman of Commission B of the DKI DPRD, Abdul Aziz, invited the commission members to report themselves to the Honorary Board (BK) of the DKI DPRD.

Aziz was reported as having secretly held a meeting with the Managing Director of BUMD PT Transjakarta regarding the video of the directors of TJ and the operator watching the belly dance.

"Yes, it's okay. Reporting is the right of the council. I respect it because if there is a dispute, it is reported to the BK, then the BK will investigate. That's normal," said Aziz when contacted, Thursday, December 9.

However, Aziz denied that he held the meeting secretly. "There's no such thing," he insisted.

Aziz was also reported to the BK because he was considered to have made a unilateral recommendation regarding the repeated Transjakarta bus accidents. In response to this, Aziz claimed that his recommendation to Transjakarta had accommodated the input of all members.

Moreover, he said, if any members objected, they could convey it directly in a meeting with Transjakarta some time ago.

"Where is there a recommendation on a personal behalf? I'm the leader who has to accommodate everyone and must follow procedures. For example, if someone objected to the recommendation, it should have been submitted at the meeting. When I read it, he interrupted," explained Aziz.

It is known that a number of Commission B members of the DKI DPRD, Abdul Aziz from various party factions, reported the chairman of the commission, Abdul Aziz, who was from the PKS faction, to the Honorary Board of the DKI DPRD.

A member of Commission B from the Gerindra faction, Ichwanul Muslimin, said that his party reported Aziz because the chairman held a secret meeting with the directors of the BUMD PT Transjakarta.

Ichwanul said that it turned out that Aziz had met one of the directors of Transjakarta who was previously involved in a meeting with bus operators while watching a belly dance.

"We are of the opinion that Abdul Aziz's actions were arbitrary without involving or informing us as members of Commission B regarding the summoning of one of the directors of Transjakarta for the belly dance video," said Ichwanul.

In addition, said Ichwanul, it turned out that Aziz had made recommendations on behalf of Commission B regarding the multiple accidents that befell Transjakarta, without the leadership of Commission B and several other members knowing.

"The secretary of Commission B, Pandapotan Sinaga, did not even know the results of the recommendation. So, we strongly protested as if we were treated as subordinates or subordinates," he said.

Therefore, Ichwanul said that his party asked the Honorary Board of the DKI DPRD to examine Abdul Aziz. In fact, they asked Abdul Aziz to be removed from his position as Chairman of Commission B.

"We ask Brother Abdul Aziz to be removed from the position of Chairman of Commission B, according to the evidence that has been submitted to the Honorary Board," he added.