Ahead Of His Official Inauguration In The National Police ASN Uniform, Novel Baswedan Makes Sure He Obeys The Orders Of His Superiors
JAKARTA - Former Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigator Novel Baswedan attended his inauguration process as a State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at the National Police Headquarters. Before being sworn in, Novel had expressed some of his hopes.
"Thank God I'm here to prepare for the inauguration of the National Police ASN, of course I got information that after this there will be rehearsals and other preparations and in essence hopefully the process will run smoothly and then our activities to become National Police ASN can really bring benefits," said Novel told reporters, Thursday, December 9.
With his inauguration as a National Police ASN later, Novel said he was ready to carry out all orders from superiors. Especially in fighting corruption.
"Basically, I believe that we are expected to be able to carry out our tasks in eradicating corruption in the field of prevention, but we will discuss the pattern and all kinds of things later," said Novel.
For your information, 44 former KPK employees will be appointed as National Police ASN. Of the dozens of people, one of them was Novel Baswedan. Meanwhile, there were 12 people who refused to join the Bhayangkara Corps. They refused for various reasons.
The following is a list of 44 former KPK employees who are willing to join the National Police as ASN:
1. M. Praswad Nugraha
2. Ronald Paul Signal
3. March Falentino
4. Yudi Purnomo
5. Heryanto Waitress
6. Arfin Puspomelistyo
7. Darko
8. Wahyu Ahmat Dwi Haryanto
9. Andi Abdul Rachman Rachim
10. Afief Yulian Miftach
11. Ambarita Damanik
12. Aulia Postiera
13. Herry Nuryanto
14. Chandra Sulistio
15. Harun Al Rashid
16. Annisa Ramadhani
17. Sugeng Basuki
18. Nurul Huda Suparman
19. Airien Martanni Koesniar
20. Qurotul Aini Mahmuda
21. Rizka Anungnata
22. Erfina Sari
23. Herbert Nababan
24. Muamar Chairil Gaddafi
25. Iguh
26. Novariza
27. Farid Andhikas
28. Budi Agung Nugroho
29. Arba'a Achmadin Yudho Sulistyo
30. Samuel Fajar Hotmangara Tua Siahaan
31. Prianggoro Banner
32. Adi Prasetyo
33. Andre Dedy Nainggolan
34. Juliandi Tigor Simanjuntak
35. Novel Baswedan
36. Yulia Anastasia Fu'ada
37. Dina Marliana
38. Nita Adi Pangestuti
39. Marina Febriana
40. Waldy Gagantika
41. Hotman Tambunan
42. Candra Septina
43. Faisal
44. Giri Suprapdiono.