DKI Provincial Government Will Hold Entrepreneurship Training In 2022, Budget Is IDR 47.7 Billion

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government through the DKI Office of Industry, Trade, Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises (PPUKM) will hold entrepreneurship training with a budget of IDR 47.7 billion in 2022.

Head of DKI Jakarta PPKUKM Agency Elizabeth Ratu explained that the activities to be provided were culinary training, fashion training and craft training with a budget of IDR 47.7 billion.

“The facilities and infrastructure provided are in the form of production support equipment. For example, we will provide culinary training with a blender, mixer, oven and vacuum sealer. Then for fashion and craft training, sewing machines and screen printing machines will be provided," said Ratu as quoted in an official statement, Thursday, December 9.

Ratu revealed that the target participants who will take part in the training are 4,800 people from 24 sub-districts in five city areas in DKI Jakarta. This training will be held from March to October 2022.

In response to this, Member of Commission B of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Sutikno, admitted that his party supports the economic growth program during the COVID-19 pandemic.

However, Sutikno warned that this entrepreneurship training program could run optimally and really boost the economy.

In view of the fact that the economic condition in the capital city had plummeted due to the COVID-19 pandemic that had struck for the past two years.

“Don't let the training just become a routine or copy pasting the activities of previous years. Don't just do that. Because 2022 is the year of economic recovery," said Sutikno.