'Mak Allows Your Children To Be Enemy Of Corruptors', Fill In The Ganjar Pranowo Sticker For SMAN 15 Semarang Students

SEMARANG - A yellow sticker was given to the students of SMA Negeri 15 Semarang. The writing is unique, "Ma'am, Allow Your Child to Be the Enemy of Corruptors".

The sticker came from the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, which was distributed to students because they had been appointed as anti-corruption agents for Central Java.

The inauguration was carried out symbolically for four students in the hall of SMA 15 Semarang, Thursday 9 December. Meanwhile, students from other schools in Central Java participated in the inauguration online. In addition to getting a sticker, the students got a pin that read "Anti-Corruption Change Agent"

After the inauguration, the students simultaneously pledged to become anti-corruption agents and reported any findings of indications of corruption directly to Ganjar Pranowo.

Photo via Central Java Provincial Government

"We Central Java students promise to be loyal to Pancasila and the Republic of Indonesia, to be anti-corruption agents with full awareness and responsibility, to develop an attitude of honesty both in words and actions, to socialize the anti-corruption movement in friendship, school and family circles. Monitor any indications of corruption encountered and report them directly to the Governor of Central Java," said the students in unison.

Reward is certainly happy. He asked the agents to sharpen their sensitivity to indications of corruption in the surrounding environment. The trick starts from simple things.

"You guys are great, keep on being enthusiastic about being anti-corruption agents both at school, at home or in the community. Starting from simple things, being honest, not cheating, not skipping and others," said Ganjar.

One of the students, Fernandi, said he was interested in becoming an anti-corruption agent because he was aware that corruption had to be eradicated. And it cannot be done alone by law enforcement officers alone, but must involve all parties including children.

"Today I want to be an anti-corruption agent because I can take part in efforts to eradicate corruption. We brought this sticker basically asking permission from parents to eradicate corruption. We consider corruptors to be evil, harming the country and society. So it must be eradicated and fought against all of them," he said.

"Corruption takes other people's rights that do not belong to them, and that is a bad deed that no one should do. We, as young people, can help prevent corrupt practices starting from simple things at school or at home," said Rahmandana, another student.

Ganjar himself deliberately went to SMAN 15 Semarang to re-implement the Governor Teaching program. The program was suspended due to the pandemic.

"Because it coincides with Anti-Corruption Day, I want to check whether anti-corruption education has been implemented or not. It turns out that in some schools it has been implemented and we have not encouraged it," he said.

Ganjar's further anti-corruption education does not need to be introduced through new subjects or curriculum. Anti-corruption education can be internalized in many existing subjects.

"It can be internalized through PPKN, MTK especially religious education can certainly be done. The method is also easy, you can make an honesty canteen, and others," he explained.

So he was happy when the students wanted to become anti-corruption agents. Because, the spirit of anti-corruption must be done from an early age.

"If since their children they can become anti-corruption agents, they will remind each other. If they become agents, they will not only report, but become pioneers. We hope that someday the children will get used to a clean lifestyle both in thought and deed," he concluded.