Dirlantas Polda Metro: There Is A Security Weakness To Transjakarta HR Management

JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya stated that there were weaknesses in human resource management (HR) and the application of driving safety procedures for TransJakarta drivers.

"From the results of our analysis of several accidents that occurred involving TransJakarta, it must be admitted that there are weaknesses in terms of security and safety procedures as well as from the management of human resources, human resources," said Director of Traffic for Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo, quoted by Antara. Between, Wednesday, December 8th.

Sambodo said that the results of the analysis and investigation by the Ditlantas investigators of the Polda Metro Jaya into several traffic accidents involving TransJakarta buses showed that most of them were caused by human error.

Sambodo said the human error factor was actually a small mistake, but it could be fatal.

"Small mistakes that are trivial but can be fatal, the driver is sleepy, the driver is left to go to the toilet, some say the bottle of mineral water rolled, some say the jack rolled and so on," said Sambodo.

According to Sambodo, TransJakarta management's supervision was not strict enough and drivers did not implement safety procedures properly.

The mid-level police officer admitted that he was concerned about the series of accidents, because TransJakarta should become an icon of the capital's transportation safety.

"Of course this is very concerning because they are public transport that is the pride of Jakarta, Jakarta's icon is Transjakarta. So they should be safer, safer and so on," said Sambodo.

Sambodo said the Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya will discuss the results of the analysis with TransJakarta so that the DKI Regional-Owned Enterprises (BUMD) in the transportation sector can be better in 2022.

TransJakarta buses have been involved in a number of accidents in recent times.

On Thursday, December 2, a TransJakarta bus with operator PT Steady Safe crashed into the Police Post at PGC Red Lights Cililitan, East Jakarta, seriously injuring one TransJakarta patrol officer.

Then on Friday, December 3, a bus from operator PT Mayasari Bhakti hit the busway separator in front of Ratu Plaza, Senayan.

Finally, on Monday, December 6, there was a single accident on a TransJakarta bus at the Puri Beta 2 bus stop, Tangerang, Banten.

The incident began when the TransJakarta bus numbered TJ-402 finished dropping off customers at the Puri Beta 2 bus stop and the driver then parked the bus and got out of the bus to urinate.

However, the driver forgot to apply the handbrake and the bus slid about 10 meters and hit a pile of dirt and a wall.