Chairman Of PP Muhammadiyah: Don't Ignore Prokes Even Though The COVID-19 Trend Is Sloping

YOGYAKARTA - Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Executive (PP) Haedar Nashir asked the public to remain vigilant by not ignoring health protocols even though the trend of COVID-19 transmission cases in the country is sloping.

"Although the trend is gentle, but with the emergence of new variants, of course we must remain careful and vigilant and must not be negligent and negligent," said Haedar Nashir in a written statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 8.

Towards the Christmas and New Year's momentum, Haedar appealed to the entire nation's elite and the general public to continue to be careful about the potential for COVID-19 transmission, because the COVID-19 pandemic has not yet fully ended.

Although the indicator numbers for handling the outbreak continue to show improvement, he hopes that all parties must be vigilant and should not be neglected along with the emergence of the new variant of COVID-19 Omicron.

In addition to regulations issued by the government, according to him, cooperation from all levels of society to comply with health protocols is very much needed.

According to Haedar, as an element of the nation that has not been able to become a vanguard actor in preventing the pandemic, at least each individual must be disciplined in strict health protocols in order to speed up ending the outbreak.

"Our donations and attitude to maintain strict health protocols have actually contributed to the decline of the pandemic, so when Christmas and New Year arrives by following government policies, we have actually contributed to keeping the pandemic sloping even at the end we hope that this pandemic can ends," said this professor at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.

Haedar reminded that the end of the pandemic also depends on the attitudes, thoughts, and actions of the nation's citizens.

Therefore, continued Haedar, the wisest choice during the pandemic, especially before the long holidays, is to reduce social mobility, stay away from crowds, and maintain strict health protocol discipline.

Considering that two years have passed since the pandemic period, he warned that at the end of the 2021 journey, everything would be careless and neglectful.

"Never get tired, never, let alone give up on this pandemic, it's all up to all of us to unite the steps so that in facing this Christmas and New Year, we must also remain careful, rational, and build togetherness so that we can get out of the pandemic. this," said Haedar.

He also invited all parties to make Christmas and New Year a momentum to strive to always be close to God, God Almighty, to build human relations that spread caring, empathy, as well as togetherness among humanity.

Welcoming 2022, he invites all elements of the nation to set future targets and achievements with new insights based on the spirit of unity.

"In entering the new year of 2022 and ending 2021, let us all citizens of the nation and the country's elite always reflect, introspect, at the same time look and move forward with new, better steps, with more positive-constructive thoughts and orientations for action. bring our lives to be better, more advanced, and lead to more meaningful lives," said Haedar.