Minister Bintang Puspayoga: Women Play An Important Role In Developing Anti-Corruption Culture

JAKARTA - The Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (PPPA) Bintang Puspayoga said that women are the spearheads in determining the direction and future of the family, including maintaining commitments in preventing family members from committing corruption.

"Women are the managers of the family. Women are the spearhead in determining the direction of goals and the future of the family which also determines the success and prosperity of a nation," said Minister Bintang in a webinar entitled "Let's Protect Our Families from Gratification" which was followed online in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Wednesday, December 8.

She said that the family as the smallest component of society has an important role in building and growing integrity and anti-corruption culture.

"This important role is in the hands of women, both as mothers and wives to cultivate an anti-corruption culture," she said.

On the occasion, Minister Bintang added that the Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) had a major role in preventing gratification among the state civil apparatus (ASN).

"By strengthening the role of Dharma Wanita Persatuan, it means that we are strengthening the anti-corruption moral fortress that starts from the family," she said.

Her party also cited data from Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) in 2021 which showed that the state civil apparatus was the most entangled in corruption cases, including gratuities throughout Semester 1 of 2021.

"Of course this should be a concern for all of us, especially the Dharma Wanita Persatuan, who are the companions for these ASNs," she said.