PPKM Level 3 Canceled, Gunung Kidul Regency Government Waits For Instructions From The Minister Of Home Affairs To Prevent COVID During Christmas And New Year's Holidays

GUNUNG KIDUL - The Government of Gunung Kidul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) is still wary of the potential for the spread of COVID-19, even though the rules for the Implementation of Level 3 Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) are abolished during the 2022 Christmas and New Year (Nataru) holidays.

Head of the Gunung Kidul Health Service, Dewi Irawaty, said that her party is still preparing special rules that regulate in detail so that there are no new clusters during the Nataru holiday.

"Currently, we are still waiting for the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs. Today, we have also held a cross-agency coordination meeting to face the 2022 Christmas and New Year Holidays so as not to cause additional COVID-19 cases later," he said in Gunung Kidul, Antara, Wednesday, December 8th.

He said later each regional apparatus organization (OPD) would work according to their respective authorities.

Such as the Health Office preparing health services at the puskesmas, hospitals doing testing, tracking, and accelerating vaccination achievements. Then, the tourism office and the transportation office also carry out their duties according to their respective duties and functions.

"We have also prepared medicine, personal protective equipment (PPE). Everything is ready. Random testing will be seen as needed. Then what kind of other OPD schools will be, the authority of the youth and sports education office. What kind of tourism, of course waiting for instructions from the Minister of Home Affairs It seems that tourism will remain open, stalls and others, but there will be a limit on how many percent will be later, "said Dewi.

Dewi also said that during the 2022 Christmas and New Year holidays, all parties are also wary of the new variant of the Omicron COVID-19, although based on a temporary analysis it has not yet entered Indonesia.

"Most importantly, we must be vigilant no matter what the conditions are and not ignore health protocols," he said.

Dewi said that there were 28 active cases of COVID-19 in Gunung Kidul. Two patients are being treated in hospital, while 26 others are self-isolating.

"Today there are no additional cases and no COVID-19 patients have recovered. We hope that these active COVID-19 patients will get well soon, there will be no additional cases. Zero cases soon," he said.