Google For Education With Roadshow Champion Classes In Three Cities, Here's The List

JAKARTA - Google for Education is here for children and education people in Indonesia and wherever they are. In order to get closer to the audience, three cities will be visited in this program; Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya. Those of you who are close to these three cities, let's get ready.

The era of education 4.0 requires us to implement remote learning as a new learning system, especially after the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic which turned the face-to-face system into a virtual classroom.

Google as one of the largest technology companies in the world provides solutions to support remote learning activities by presenting a collection of learning tools that we know as Google for Education.

Google for Education consists of Google Workspace for Education software reinforced with Classroom features and hardware in the form of Chrome for Education, a type of laptop intended for future education.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, education is conducted online. (Ist Photo)

Class Champion as an education platform from PointStar as the Premier Partner of Google for Education in Indonesia will collaborate with Google Indonesia to hold a Google for Education Roadshow in early January 2022.

This roadshow is a workshop series to introduce Google for Education to schools in your city. There are three cities to be visited, namely Jakarta, Bandung and Surabaya.

With this roadshow, Class Champion aims to introduce Google for Education and its features, including Google Workspace for Education and Chrome for Education, to education actors and stakeholders.

This workshop is not only aimed at students, but also prioritizes educators in their respective schools. So it is hoped that later schools in Indonesia will be ready to implement technology as a means of supporting the latest teaching and learning process.

Learning online is a solution during a pandemic. (Ist Photo)

Class Champion is a place for educators and students to collaborate on an online community platform to discuss the latest developments in educational technology. The platform, which has been established since the beginning of 2021, has a vision to become a means for educators and students to obtain information about technological developments in the world of education.

Class Champion also has an official podcast series on the Youtube channel that discusses actual educational topics with experts. In this podcast series, we as educators and students can find out more about interesting topics about the latest developments in the world of education in Indonesia.

In this roadshow there will be speakers who have understanding and experience in implementing Google for Education, both from the PointStar team who are already certified Google Educator Level 1 & 2, the Google Indonesia team and Chromebook providers. Class Champion in collaboration with Google Indonesia is committed to helping schools in Indonesia to transform easily into the digital era.

The rapid transformation of educational technology should be utilized by schools in Indonesia to prepare their students to become strong Indonesian human resources in the future.

“The application of educational technology from Google through Google for Education can answer this challenge in a straightforward manner. Google for Education features are designed to create a productive collaborative environment not only between students and students, but also between educators and students. Our future is all about collaboration. And we are very proud to be able to involve Class Champion to bring this Google for Education Roadshow to schools in Indonesia,” said Natanael Sibarani, General Manager of PointStar Indonesia in Jakarta, Monday 6 December.

By attending this workshop, participants will not only gain new knowledge about various kinds of Google for Education products, but also have the opportunity to get a Certificate of Participation and a Merchandise Kit which is sure to be interesting.