Flying From Jambi, Regional Police Chief Rachmad Immediately Condolences To Denis Yonas's Family From Biak, Papua

PAPUA - Jambi Regional Police Chief Inspector General Albertus Rachmad Wibowo directly delivered the body of Jambi State Police School (SPN) student Denis Yonas Tragen from Biak, Papua. Yonas is a victim of a traffic accident in Jambi City.

"Arriving at the Jambi Police Chief's funeral home, he immediately conveyed his condolences to the family as a final tribute," said Jambi Police Public Relations Head Kombes Mulia in Jambi, Antara, Wednesday, December 8.

Jambi Police SPN student Denis Yonas Trangen is from Biak, Papua. When meeting the family of the deceased, the Jambi Police Chief was accompanied by Karo HR Kombes Anton Soerjawo, Head of SPN Jambi Kombes Noveriko Alfred Siregar and Karumkit Bhayangkara Jambi Police, AKBP dr Yandiko.

When he arrived at the funeral home, the Kapolda was greeted by Denis' extended family at his residence with Irwasda Polda Papua Kombes Alfred Papare and Kapolres Biak Numor AKBP Adi Tri Widiyanto.

He said the arrival of the Kapolda in addition to conveying his condolences, was also a final tribute to the deceased and handed over the body to the family for burial.

"Mr. Kapolda and all ranks of the Jambi Regional Police are deeply saddened by the death of Denis Yonas Trangen, a student of the Jambi Regional Police SPN, and the Regional Police Chief is also fully handing over to his family for burial," he said.

The case of a traffic accident that killed a SPN Jambi student from Papua, Yones, is currently being held to determine the exact cause of the accident between the Jambi SPN bus and a wood-carrying truck that occurred in Pall X Kota Baru, Jambi.