When The DPR Allegations Regarding The Cancellation Of Level 3 PPKM Answered By The Government

JAKARTA - The government has canceled implementing level 3 of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) on the Christmas and New Year holidays (December 24, 2021 to January 2, 2022).

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investments (Menko Marves) Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said the government decided to make a more balanced policy by not treating all regions of Indonesia the same way as Christmas and New Year approaches.

"The government has decided not to apply the rules for implementing level 3 restrictions on community activities (PPKM) during the Christmas and New Year period for all regions," said Luhut, quoted from a press release on the official website of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Tuesday, December 7.

"The implementation of the PPKM with levels during Christmas and the new year will continue to follow the assessment of the pandemic situation as currently applies, but with some tightening," he continued.

In this regard, a member of Commission IX of the House of Representatives (DPR), Saleh Partaonan Daulay, suspects that there are several things that have caused the government to change the policy. First, there is a rejection from some members of the community.

"A lot of rejection was conveyed, especially through social media. Not only did they refuse, but the public also gave criticism and suggestions for the policy," said Saleh in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 7.

Second, the chairman of the DPR from PAN Party faction continued, there were some experts and academics who also gave their views and expressed their disagreement with the policy.

"The government seems to have listened to this input. Evidently, there are arguments presented by the government which are based on the views and inputs of these experts," he explained.

Third, the government wants to keep the wheels of the economy at the lower levels running well. By giving concessions, said Saleh, people can still work as usual.

"That means, economic life remains stable and runs as it should. This may be considered important because now people's business and economic activities have started to squirm," he explained.

Fourth, the government is certainly aware that conditions vary from one region to another. "Therefore, some need to be tightened up to level 3, some are level 2, and maybe some are only at level 1. The data and maps of the spread of the COVID-19 virus are of course already owned by the government," Saleh said.

The Government Claims COVID-19 Situation is Under Control

Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) M. Tito Karnavian revealed, from the results of a limited meeting at the government palace, he saw that the COVID-19 situation was still quite under control, so level 3 PPKM did not need to be implemented.

Furthermore, he said, his party will hold a meeting with regional heads to discuss the anticipation of the Christmas and New Year holidays.

"We saw from the results of yesterday's limited meeting at the Palace, various inputs showed that the situation was relatively gentle, we saw that the confirmation status figures were relatively low compared to the previous tens of thousands, even yesterday if I'm not mistaken there were a hundred how many. And one of them, including those whose levels are low, not many countries are low," said Tito at the DPR Building, Tuesday, December 7.

In addition, he continued, vaccination achievements are also getting better. According to a survey from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Health, it shows that the antibody level of the Indonesian people is quite high.

"So we may have achieved herd immunity from 9 agglomeration areas. Therefore, if level 3 is applied, the restrictions are very tight, even very, very tight, not all regions and we see that the indicators show improvement. In the past, the assumption was at that time impose restrictions," explained Tito.

However, Tito still reminded the public to maintain strict health protocols. Especially, for those who will travel and visit tourist attractions and shopping centers. And always use the PeduliLindung application because positive cases still exist.

"Those who have been vaccinated twice are allowed to go, those who haven't been vaccinated, don't do it. Even though it's high enough, we have been exposed to it, right, 100-200 people have been exposed," said Tito.