140 Pekanbaru AIS Teachers And Students Recovered From COVID-19

PEKANBARU - Pekanbaru City Health Office, Riau said 140 teachers and students of Abdurab Islamic School (AIS) Pekanbaru City who were confirmed to have COVID-19 were declared cured after several days of isolation and supervision by the medical team.

"All positive patients have tested negative for COVID-19," said Secretary of the Pekanbaru City Health Office, Dr Zaini Rizaldy Saragih, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 7.

He said all positive patients from the private school cluster had been isolated for more than 10 days in the school's dormitory under the supervision of the medical team.

dr Zaini said there were some students who had confirmed COVID-19 without symptoms because most of them had also been vaccinated against COVID-19.

"Previously there were those who were negative at the beginning, but later tested positive. So in total there are 140 people who have been exposed to COVID-19 and are all negative. Thank God there were no fatalities," he continued.

The private school is temporarily closed for the next few days to ensure conditions are safe from the transmission of COVID-19, while the teaching and learning process at the school is carried out online.

dr Zaini hopes that this incident will be a valuable lesson for schools that have implemented face-to-face learning to be more disciplined in implementing health protocols and supervising them.

Even though a person has been vaccinated against COVID, it does not mean that person is 100 percent safe from transmitting the virus.

"Health protocols must still be carried out in every activity," said Dr Zaini.