Carlos Marijuana Dealer In Denpasar Sentenced To 14 Years In Prison

DENPASAR - The panel of judges at the Denpasar District Court, Bali, sentenced a marijuana dealer named Siswoyo alias Gawok alias Giwok alias Carlo to 14 years in prison.

"The trial, sentenced the defendant Siswoyo alias Gawok alias Giwok alias Carlo to 14 years in prison, reduced while in detention and a fine of Rp. 5 billion, subsidiary to eight months in prison," said presiding judge I Ketut Kimiarsa while presiding over a virtual trial at the Denpasar District Court, Bali, quoted as saying Between, Tuesday, December 7th.

The panel of judges, I Ketut Kimiarsa, stated that the defendant was found guilty of committing a crime, conspiracy to commit a crime against narcotics and narcotics precursors, without rights or against the law offering for sale, selling, buying, receiving, intermediary in buying and selling, exchanging, or delivering narcotics class I which in the form of plants weighs more than 1 kilogram.

In accordance with Article 114 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics, such acts can be punished with a minimum of 6 years in prison and a maximum of 20 years in prison.

The sentence of 14 years in prison is lower than the demands of the Prosecutor who demanded that the defendant be reduced to 19 years in prison while in detention and a fine of Rp. 5 billion, subsidiary to one year in prison.

In the court it was revealed that, apart from finding evidence in the form of 22 plastic packages containing dried narcotics in the form of marijuana with a total weight of 43,771 grams Gross or 42,962 grams Net, Carlo also took part in the circulation of marijuana weighing 6 kg owned by Bagong and I Putu Yuda Pramana.

The defendant's involvement in this case began when the Bali BNNP arrested Putu Gede Sudiarsa Bin Wayan alias Bagong and the defendant I Putu Yuda Pramana (defendant with separate case files) was caught carrying three packages of marijuana weighing 6 kg.

After being interrogated, the items were obtained from the defendant Siswoyo alias Gawok alias Giwok alias Carlo. After the development was carried out, the defendant admitted that he had ordered 6 kg of marijuana from Juhar (DPO).

Furthermore, the defendant again ordered marijuana from Juhar (DPO) as many as 22 packages packaged in five white sacks, which were sent from Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra to Denpasar - Bali using an expedition truck.

The cannabis shipment was transported by expedition truck, passing through Mengwi Terminal, Banjar Dajan Peken, Mengwitani Village, Mengwi District, Badung Regency. At the same time on Monday, June 14, 2021 at 02.30 WITA, the defendant was arrested by Bali BNNP officers for later legal proceedings.