Colombian Authorities Confiscate More Than 300 Tarantulas, Scorpions And Cockroaches Trying To Be Smuggled Into Europe

JAKARTA - Authorities in Colombia have seized more than 300 tarantulas, scorpions and cockroaches trying to be smuggled into Europe.

The animals were found in 210 plastic containers at Bogotá's El Dorado International Airport, officials said Thursday.

Authorities say arachnids were illegally transported from the Colombian capital to Germany. A total of 232 tarantulas, nine spider eggs, 67 cockroaches and one scorpion with seven offspring were found.

"The Ministry of the Environment was called to the scene after airport police managed to identify a suspicious cargo," read a statement, citing Euronews December 2.

The animals were transported in a suitcase by two German nationals, who claimed they took the animals for academic purposes. Both suspects have been arrested on suspicion of transporting arachnids without the necessary permits.

Meanwhile spiders, cockroaches and scorpions have been transferred to special facilities.

Two smuggling suspects detained by Colombian authorities. (Source: Secretaría/Distrital de Ambiente de Bogotá)

"The professionals will carry out a biological evaluation to determine whether there is a level of risk or threat. Following this process, environmental authorities will decide whether to release or relocate them," the authorities said.

"We remind the public, even if it has an academic or research purpose, any research must have explicit permission from environmental authorities," said Colombian Environment Minister Carolina Urrutia.

"This is the second case in less than three months where a wild animal has been caught at El Dorado airport," he added on Twitter.

To note, by 2021, Colombian authorities say they have discovered more than 11,000 species, more than 3,800 of which are dead.

Wildlife traders often try to smuggle various species out of the country through the Colombian capital.

In September, authorities seized 3,493 shark fins, the equivalent of between 900 and 1,000 sharks that would have been illegally shipped to Hong Kong from El Dorado Airport.

While in October 2018, 23 tarantulas were also found hidden in some cereal boxes on a trip to Seoul in South Korea.

"Since 2018 we have not received any shipments of tarantulas of this size, the largest this year being shark fins, and the airport continues to be a focus of attention for the wildlife trade in Bogotá," said Urrutia.

"Wild animals will always be better off free and at home," he concluded.