Teachers Have An Important Role In Instilling Anti-corruption Values, Minister Of Religion: Imagine How Busy The KPK Is Without Their Role

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas said teachers in schools, especially religious teachers, had already instilled anti-corruption values into their students. Yaqut expressed his gratitude and hoped that an appreciation could be given to the teachers.

This was conveyed by Yaqut when he was a speaker at the Launching of the National Anti-Corruption Education Strategy. This activity is carried out as a series of activities for the 2021 World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) which will be commemorated on 9 December.

According to him, the cultivation of values through various subjects had been carried out before the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) moved.

"They have moved because (anti-corruption education, ed) is the main mandate related to religious moral education. We can imagine how busy the KPK must be if it has to instill anti-corruption education without the role and presence of these teachers," Yaqut said as quoted from the KPK RI YouTube, Tuesday, December 7th.

Yaqut said that teachers, especially Islamic religious teachers, often integrate the application of anti-corruption values through a number of lessons such as knowledge of the Koran, hadith, fiqh, morals.

"Similarly with other religious lessons. In this case, of course we have to thank the religious teachers who intensely instill the importance of starting values even without instructions," he said.

In this way, Yaqut hopes that more generations of anti-corruption teachers will be printed. Not only have integrity, they are also expected to have faith and motivation for religious morality.

The Minister of Religion does not deny that education plays an important role in efforts to change behavior. Thus, the KPK can use many strategies to create an anti-corruption generation, such as instilling the values of honesty, responsibility, and empathy.

One of them is to play an active role in educating and training teachers. "It's just that these programs are often high-cost, high-cost," said Yaqut.

"So, I think that if the KPK has sufficient allocation of funds for this fourth activity, it should be relocated by partnering with the ministry that organizes education and monitors, ensuring that the substance of anti-corruption education has been implanted," he concluded.