La Nina Storm And Peak Of The Rainy Season, BMKG Asks 9 Regions In South Sumatra To Be Alert To Potential Hydrometeorological Disasters

PALEMBANG - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Class I Palembang, South Sumatra, stated that the potential for hydrometeorological disasters in the province is increasing. The increase was the result of a La Nina storm and the peak of the year-end rainy season.

BMKG officially announced this condition by issuing a warning letter numbered KL.01.01/005/KPLG/XII/2021 to the public, on Monday, December 6. In particular, the letter contains an early warning of the potential for high rains to occur, especially in nine regencies/cities.

Head of BMKG Class I Palembang Wandayantolis said the La Nina phenomenon at the end of 2021 has the potential to last until early 2022. In general, this condition can trigger an increase in rainfall of around 20-40 percent of the average. La Nina also triggers an increase in the number of extreme rainy days with an intensity of >50 mm/day.

"The peak of the rainy season is predicted to range from January to February 2022," he said in Palembang, Antara, Tuesday, December 7.

With these conditions, rainfall and the number of extreme rainy days are predicted to continue in the South Sumatra region until March 2022. Rainfall also increases the potential for hydrometeorological disasters such as floods and landslides. The BMKG has recorded that there have been 24 cases throughout 2021.

The nine areas that were asked to be vigilant include Musi Rawas, North Musi Rawas, Empat Lawang, Lahat, Muara Enim, Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), East OKU, South OKU and Pagaralam City.

"Especially the nine regions were asked to increase vigilance. The community and local government must be proactive and responsive,” he said.

The BMKG has determined the status of disaster preparedness for the nine city districts, namely for Musi Rawas Regency (in Selangit District the status is on alert).

North Musi Rawas District (Karang Jaya, Rawas Ulu, and Ulu Rawas Districts are on alert), Empat Lawang District (Muara Pinang District, Pendopo, West Pendopo, Talang Padang are on alert), Right Latitude, Cloudy Water Pasemah, Attitude in Ulu, Ulu Musi is on standby.

Lahat District (Sub-districts of Gumay Talang, Gumay Ulu, Jarai, South Kikim, Lahat, West Merapi, South Merapi, Muara Payang, Mulak Ulu, Pagar Gunung, Pajar Bulan, Pseksu, Sukamerindu, Talang Tebat is on alert), Kota Agung is on alert, Tanjung Sakti Pumi, Tanjung Sakti Pumu are on Caution status.

City of Pagaralam (Central Dempo District, North Dempo, South Dempo, South Pagaralam, North Pagaralam with Alert status). Muara Enim District (Lawang Kidul District, Sea Land Semendo, Central Land Semendo are on alert status) and Semendo Dasar Ulu District are on alert status.

OKU District (West Baturaja District, East Baturaja, Lengkiti, Lubuk Batang, Muara Jaya, Pengandonan, Semidang Aji, Sosoh Buay Termite, Ulu Ogan status alert). East OKU District (Bunga Mayang District is on alert status).

South OKU (Banding Agung, Buana Pemanca, Buay Pemanca, BPR Ranau Tengah, Buay Rawan, Buay Runjung, Buay Sandang Aji, Kisam Ilir, Kisam Tinggi, Muaradua, Runjung Agung, Simpang Tiga Dihaji, Wakuk Ranau Selatan with Alert status), Mekakau Ilir , Muaradua, Kisam, Beringin Island, Sindang Danau, Are River are on alert status.