Bank Mandiri Taspen Collaborates With Trimegah Asset Management To Sell Mutual Funds

JAKARTA - PT Bank Mandiri Taspen (Bank Mantap) has won the trust of the Financial Services Authority, the Capital Market Supervisor as a Selling Agent of Mutual Funds and the Financial Services Authority of the Banking Supervisor for the license for New Products and Activities of the Selling Agent of Mutual Funds in collaboration with the Investment Manager, namely PT Trimegah Asset Management to conduct marketing and sales of Money Market Mutual Funds, namely TRIM KAS 2 Mutual Funds.

Bank Mandiri Business Director Taspen is optimistic that the sale of Mutual Funds will be successful because the market is diverse and has minimal fees that are easily accessible to all levels of society. According to Maswar, the company will target existing customers, productive age civil servants (ASN), pre-retirement employees, employees from pension fund companies that pay payroll at Bank Mandiri Taspen and students.

"The TRIM Cash 2 Mutual Fund product offered by the company is very affordable with a minimum nominal of IDR 50,000 with a lump sum and installment (periodic) purchase mechanism, and currently three Branch Offices (KC) are pilot projects for selling Mutual Funds, namely KC Jakarta Proklamasi, KC Surabaya and KC Makassar. In 2022 the Company will cooperate with other Investment Managers so that the products are more varied," said Maswar in Jakarta, Tuesday, December 7.

Meanwhile, Director of Finance, Risk & Operation Atta Alva Wanggai explained about the performance of Bank Mandiri Taspen which is growing even in the midst of an era of uncertainty due to COVID-19. In the third quarter of 2021, the company was still able to record good performance by posting a net profit of IDR 467.3 billion, up 43.7 percent from last year, with Return on Assets (ROA) of 2.36 percent growing by 31 basis points (bps) and Return on Equality (ROA) of 2.36 percent. ROE) 17.47 percent grew 87 bps.

This profit growth was supported by the ratio of low-cost funds or CASA which increased by 47.8 percent as of September 30, 2021 with a debit balance of IDR 6.53 trillion. The company is recorded to have total assets of Rp.43.77 trillion, an increase from the position at the end of November 2020 of Rp.32.61 trillion. Looking at the performance during the third quarter of 2021, Atta is optimistic that the performance until the end of 2021 will still be maintained according to the predetermined plan.

"We hope that the collaboration between Bank Mandiri Taspen and Trimegah as a mutual fund securities agent will increase Fee Based Income, in achieving the performance targets set by the company," said Atta.