JCI Closes Stronger Thursday, BRI And BCA Shares Most Hunted By Foreign Investors

JAKARTA - The Jakarta Composite Index was closed in the green zone on Thursday, August 13 trading. JCI closed up 0.11 percent or 5.80 points to the level of 5,239.25.

Closing the trade, 182 stocks rose, 238 stocks fell, and 151 shares were stagnant. The trading volume was recorded at 11.78 billion shares and transacted at Rp10.64 trillion.

Binaartha Sekuritas analyst, M. Nafan Aji Gusta Utama said, the recent strengthening of the JCI was driven by the development of vaccine trials that were growing rapidly.

"In addition, the factor is the government's commitment to carry out the national economic recovery program. Then the increasing demand for several commodities," Nafan said to VOI.

Today, shares of PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) are the most sought after by foreign investors with a total transaction value of IDR 163.46 billion.

Followed under him, the largest private bank in the country, namely PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) with transactions worth Rp119.6 billion.

Issuer PT Astra International Tbk (ASII) followed in third place with a transaction value of IDR104.45 billion.