Alleged Violations In Duty, West Sumatra Police Check Padang Police Chief And Padang Deputy Police Chief
SUMBAR - West Sumatra Regional Police (Polda West Sumatra) examined two mid-level officers regarding alleged violations in carrying out their duties. The two are Padang Pariaman Police Chief, AKBP Dian Nugraha Hyang Batara and Padang Deputy Police Chief AKBP Haris Hadis.
The Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Police, Kombes Stefanus Satake Bayu Setianto, said that the examination of the two pamens was related to internal problems and his party had not yet been able to publish.
"While it has not been published yet, we must uphold the principle of the presumption of innocence," he said when contacted from Padang, Antara, Tuesday, December 7.
He said that the status of the two pamens had not been changed but the duties and responsibilities of their positions were temporarily carried out by the executor of the task.
"While waiting for the internal inspection process. We cannot publish it yet because the inspection process is not final," he said.
During the examination, the acting head of the Padang Pariaman Police was temporarily filled by AKBP M Qory Oktohandoko. Meanwhile, the Deputy for the Padang Police has not yet been appointed.
He said this step was taken to increase the productivity and performance of the West Sumatra Regional Police in providing protection, protection and services to the community.
The leader, in this case the West Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Teddy Minahasa, consistently applies the principle of reward and punishment to all his staff. Including the regional police chief himself is ready to be given punishment if he violates the provisions or norms.
"Especially during this pandemic, the National Police are required to be the front line and the last bastion in suppressing the spread and transmission of the COVID-19 virus," he said.