Calling AP 1 Trillion Debt Due To Many Aborted Projects, Denny Siregar's Subordinates Were Sprayed With AHY, Really Hard!

JAKARTA - Democrat Party politician Cipta Panca Laksana was surprised by the gait of government-supporting social media activists who were silent when the airport operator company PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) or AP I was in debt of IDR 35 trillion.

According to him, social media activists such as Denny Siregar and Kristia 'Dede' Budhyarto should be vocal in voicing this issue rather than playing with the issue of radicalism. Through its Twitter account, Cipta Panca highlighted this issue.

"How is it @Dennysiregar7 @kangdede78 why don't you just shut up? Many projects have stalled and have lost trillions of rupiah, you know. Come on, let's play hard on radical radical issues. Let the stalled issue be closed. Isn't that right?," Cipta Panca tweeted at @panca66 on Tuesday, December 7th.

In the tweet, he also included an online media report entitled 'Aang Angkasa Pura I Debt Reaches Rp. 35 T Due to a Quiet New Airport.'

It didn't take long for Panca's tweet to be replied to by Denny Siregar. According to Denny, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono's subordinates should understand that there are no stalled projects. Moreover, the debt from PT AP 1 was due to the fact that the airport was closed for more than a year due to the COVID-19 wave.

"It's like this, @panca66 For over a year the airport is closed, there are no flights, but still employing thousands of people. All the natural world is the same, not only Indonesia," explained Denny at @Dennysiregar7.

"But what's important is that airport projects don't START... that's all and say no to corruption," continued Denny.

AP 1's mounting debt is the result of the lack of traffic at the airport which was managed during the COVID-19 pandemic. This was conveyed by the Deputy Minister of SOEs II Kartika Wirjoatmodjo during a Working Meeting with Commission VI DPR RI, last Thursday, December 2.

Every month, according to Kartika, AP 1 loses Rp. 200 billion. If it does not improve, it is estimated that the debt will exceed Rp. 38 trillion.

"Indeed, the current pressure on API is very heavy, their financial condition now reaches Rp. 35 trillion and if we rate, their monthly loss is Rp. 200 billion and after the pandemic the debt could reach Rp. 38 trillion," explained Kartika.