'Do It Peacefully, Don't Anarchism', Wagub Riza's Message To Workers Who Ask For An Increase In The UMP

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria reminded labor unions to peacefully express their aspirations regarding the urge to increase the provincial minimum wage (UMP) by 10 percent.

"We will respect the aspirations of the workers, but we ask that everything be done peacefully. There should be no anarchism," Riza said when met at the Sunter Lake Hotel, Tanjung Priok, North Jakarta, Tuesday, December 7, quoted from Antara.

Riza said, the provincial government is seeking the best UMP for the people and workers in DKI Jakarta. One of them was the Governor of DKI Anies Baswedan who sent a letter to the Ministry of Manpower.

In the letter from the Governor of DKI Jakarta numbered 533/-085.15, Anies Baswedan asked the Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah to review the UMP formula regulated in Government Regulation (PP) 36/2021 regarding wages.

Based on the formula from Government Regulation Number 36 of 2021, the increase in the UMP in DKI Jakarta in 2022 is only Rp. 37,749 or 0.85 percent to Rp. 4,453,935 per month.

This increase is considered lower than the rate of price increase, aka inflation of daily necessities, which has reached 1.14 percent or higher than the percentage increase in the UMP.

Riza believes the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) will study and respond well to the letter from the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan regarding the UMP some time ago.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal said that the national labor demonstrations would be centered at the Palace, Constitutional Court Building, and City Hall on December 8, 2021.

"Today the demonstrations are still centered in their respective regions. While the national demonstrations are centered at the Palace, the Constitutional Court Building, and the DKI Jakarta City Hall, they will be held on December 8, 2021," said Said.

Meanwhile, the General Chair of the Confederation of Indonesian Workers' Union (KPBI), Ilhamsyah, said that on Tuesday (7/12), the workers took action in their respective industrial areas.

Especially in Jakarta, some of the masses took action in the Pulogadung Industrial Estate. Meanwhile, on December 8, it is estimated that 10 thousand to 20 thousand workers from Jabodetabek will stage a demonstration in the center of the capital city.

"Tomorrow all workers from the Jabodetabek area will be docked at the Palace. At least 10 to 20 thousand have confirmed the confirmation," said Ilhamsyah.

The demands from the workers are the revocation of the Governor's Decree (SK) concerning the Determination of the Provincial Minimum Wage which only increased by 1.09 percent.

Labor urged President Joko Widodo to exercise discretion by making a Presidential Decree (Kepres) to cancel the Governor's Decree, and increase wages by 10-15 percent.

"An increase of 10 percent in the Jakarta area, for areas outside Jakarta such as Central Java and East Java where wages are still small, must be increased to 15 percent," said Ilhamsyah.