Viral Courier Job Vacancies Must Be Muslim, JNE Center Performs Internal Coordination

JAKARTA - The central JNE has spoken about courier jobs in Central Kalimantan that must be Muslim, which has gone viral on Twitter social media. Head of Media Relations Dept. JNE, Hendrianida Primanti, said that his party would carry out internal coordination regarding this matter.

"We are still coordinating internally regarding this. We will issue an official statement this afternoon," he told VOI, Tuesday, December 7.

As is known, the JNE boycott hashtag is back on Twitter. This hashtag is the impact of the circulation of job vacancies pamphlets opened by JNE, in which there is one requirement that is of concern to netizens, namely requiring applicants to be Muslim. These vacancies are considered discriminatory.

It is known that JNE Express has opened job vacancies for motorbike couriers in the Tamiang Layang area, East Dusun District, East Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan Province. However, the maker of the job vacancy pamphlet is named CV Bangun Benua Lestari.

A netizen named Leonard Han who uploaded the pamphlet said that JNE was still not converted. He also challenged JNE to consistently post announcements refusing to ship goods from non-Muslim customers.

"JNE is still not converted, right. This is the one in the Tamiang area, Central Kalimantan. Do you think you are consistent by including an announcement that you don't accept shipments of non-Muslim goods???," he wrote, quoted on Tuesday, December 7th.

According to Leonardo, JNE should not only dare to reject prospective non-Muslim employees, but must also dare to refuse business related to non-Muslims.

"Don't just dare to refuse prospective non-Muslim employees, but also have the courage to refuse business related to non-Muslims," he continued.

Meanwhile, one netizen with an account named @nuvitariani considered that the job vacancy was very discriminatory. Especially considering that the majority of residents in the area are non-Muslims.

"God-level discrimination. RELIGION MUST BE ISLAM, if you want to work at JNE Tamiang Layang. You shouldn't have to write it like that, especially when the majority of East Barito people are non-Muslim. Respect each other," he wrote.