Mount Semeru Releases Incandescent Lava Tonight

LUMAJANG - Mount Semeru emits incandescent lava that can be seen from Sumberwuluh Village, Pronojiwo District, Lumajang Regency, East Java, at around 20.00 WIB.

Antara's observation from the front of the Sumberwuluh Village Hall, the incandescent lava was clearly visible and made some residents leave their homes to watch.

"Yeah, come out and look from here. But for us, it is normal because incandescent lava has also appeared several times,” said one resident, Mbah Jaya.

Until this news was written, incandescent lava was still visible and became a spectacle for some residents.

On Saturday, December 4, in the afternoon there was an increase in the activity of Mount Semeru which emitted hot smoke and impacted the area around the mountain as high as 3,676 meters above sea level (masl).

Hundreds of residents were forced to flee to various safe places to escape the hot clouds on the highest volcano on the island of Java.