Sumatran Tiger Reappears In Agam Residential Settlement, Chasing Five Cows

LUBUK BASUNG - The Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) has reappeared in Maua Hilia, Jorong Kayu Pasak Timur, Nagari Selareh Aia, Palembayan District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra and briefly chased five cows belonging to local residents, Monday, December 6.

The owner of the cow, Doni (19) in Lubuk Basung, Monday, said that the incident was discovered when he was about to see a cow at a distance of about 100 meters from his house at around 07.00 WIB.

"When I arrived at the barn, I didn't find my two cows and Bibi's three cows on behalf of Zara (35)," he said around the cage, only finding tiger footprints.

After that, he looked for the whereabouts of the five cows around, but could not be found.

"I found the five cows and immediately brought them to the house. Currently, I am keeping the cows in my yard," he said.

He added that the cow was not tied up in a cage, so when a tiger attacked a livestock, it immediately fled to a safer location.

The location of the enclosure is not far from the location of two cows that were eaten by a tiger on Tuesday, November 30 and is only about 300 meters away.

Meanwhile, the Head of Agam Natural Resources Conservation Resort (KSDA), Ade Putra, added that his party had a human-animal conflict in the form of a tiger on Monday night.

"We will go down to the location to carry out handling on Tuesday (7/12) morning to ensure whether the animals that appear today are the same as individuals a few days earlier, and it is possible that evacuation efforts will be carried out by installing trap cages, considering that we have tried to expel them. do it for four days," he said. Previously, the Agam KSDA Team had handled human-tiger conflicts by installing two camera traps at the location of two cows belonging to Rano (38), which were eaten by tigers.

After that, the Agam KSDA Resort Team and the local community carried out tiger expulsion at night.

"After being expelled for three days, the animals have headed to the protected forest area of Agam which borders Pasaman," he said.