Police Thwart Delivery Of 12 Kg Of Marijuana In North Sumatra, One Perpetrator Defecated When Arrested For Fear

MEDAN - The distribution of 12 kg of dried marijuana from Mandailing Natal (Madina) Regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) which was about to be sent to Java, was thwarted by the Padangsidimpuan Police Narcotics Satres team. In this thwarting, 3 perpetrators were arrested by the police

When arrested by the Padangsidimpuan Police PRC team led by Kasat Sabhara AKP Rudi Siregar, a suspect with the initials ZEL defecated in his pants out of fear.

The Padangsidimpuan Police Chief, AKBP Juliani Prihartini, revealed that the three suspects who were arrested were ZEL (40), AS (22) and DFH (27).

"The arrests began when the PRC Team was carrying out a patrol. The team received information that on Jalan HT Rizal Nurdin, Sihitang Village, right on the edge of a public road, drug transactions often occur," said AKBP Juliani in a statement, Monday, December 6.

An investigation was also carried out, it is known that there are two suspects AS and DFH who will carry out the transaction. After that, they disguised themselves to catch the perpetrators.

With the perpetrator, the undercover officer agreed to meet on Jalan HT Rizal Nurdin. The PRC team immediately went to the location to arrest the two suspects.

"Evidence is a black plastic bag containing a bale of marijuana weighing approximately 1 kg. From the US and DFH, other evidence was also secured, namely Rp 600 thousand in cash and two motorbikes. The PRC team then carried out developments," explained AKBP Juliani .

Based on information from AS and DFH, the illicit goods were obtained from a man who was none other than ZEL. The PRC team went straight to ZEL's residence.

Seeing the arrival of the PRC Team, ZEL was scared and panicked. This makes ZEL defecate in his pants.

The PRC team found evidence of 11 bales of marijuana weighing approximately 11 kg which were neatly wrapped in white plastic sacks at ZEL's residence.

"ZEL admits that the marijuana evidence was picked up in the hills in Mandailing Natal Regency and then sent to the island of Java," he said.

Currently the suspects and evidence are being examined by the Narcotics Unit for development and legal proceedings.