Novel Baswedan And 43 Ex-KPK Employees Accept Offers To Become Police ASNs, This Is The Reason
JAKARTA - Former KPK investigator, Novel Baswedan, finally accepted a proposal from the National Police to become a State Civilian (ASN). Novel's reason for accepting it is because the KPK is considered not to really eradicate corruption.
"Yes, I accept the position," Novel told reporters, Monday, December 6.
This assessment, said Novel, is because corruption is currently very massive. However, the enforcement is considered to be decreasing.
Moreover, the KPK under Firli Bahuri's leadership called Novel did not show seriousness in taking action against these crimes.
"Efforts to eradicate corruption carried out by the KPK are decreasing and the KPK leadership is also at least from our point of view, my friends and I view that their performance is also increasingly not showing anything serious or serious in eradicating corruption," said Novel.
With an offer from the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit Prabowo to participate in eradicating corruption, Novel immediately expressed his interest. Because, there is still a soul to eradicate corruption in him.
"So I think then we voted for most of us, I said not all, yes, most of us chose to accept it, because once the problem of eradicating corruption we saw as a serious matter," said Novel.
"We see that we want to contribute more in order to eradicate corruption," he continued.
Previously, 44 former KPK employees, including Novel Baswedan, received an offer to become the Bhayangkara Corps State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Although, there were 8 people who were recorded as rejecting the offer.
Of the 8 people, one of them is Rasamala Aritonang. The reason for refusing to become a National Police ASN is because he has become a teacher at a university.
Then, there are also 4 people who have not made a decision. Thus, the Police gave them time to make choices.
Meanwhile, the remaining one, namely Nanang. He is said to have died last month.