Jokowi: We Have Succeeded In Becoming One Of The Five Countries That Have Successfully Controlled COVID-19 At Level 1

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said Indonesia was one of five countries in the world that managed to control the COVID-19 pandemic at level 1 because of the hard work and mutual cooperation of all parties.

"We have succeeded in becoming one of five countries in the world that have succeeded in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic at level 1. This shows our nation's ability to face challenges," said President Jokowi at the opening of the DPP Congress of the Indonesian National Student Movement Alumni Association (GMNI) this year. 2021 at the State Palace, Jakarta, Monday, December 6.

The President said Indonesia's success in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates the nation's ability to turn difficult challenges into opportunities to be able to move forward.

According to the President, Indonesia has also been very thorough and careful in issuing policies so that it is able to control the COVID-19 pandemic and simultaneously restore the community's economy.

"When the world is under lockdown everywhere, we are carefully controlling the pandemic and the economy must be moved carefully," he said as quoted by Antara.

The COVID-19 pandemic, said the President, is one of the challenges and disruptions that forces Indonesia, and the world, to implement new development methods and new normality management.

"We must take advantage of this disruption as an opportunity. There is an opportunity. When the world stops for a moment, we must keep moving forward," he said. last, or decreased significantly compared to the addition of tens of thousands of cases at the peak of the wave of two COVID-19 cases in July 2021.

As of Sunday, December 5, there were 196 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 throughout Indonesia, bringing the total confirmed cases of COVID-19 since March 2020 to date is 4,257,685 cases.