Sriwijaya University Lecturer Suspected Harassment Perpetrator Still Witness, Police: Do Not Rule Out The Possibility Of Change

PALEMBANG - The South Sumatra Regional Police (Polda Sumsel) conducted an intensive examination of an individual lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Science, Sriwijaya University (FKIP Unsri) who was suspected of physically sexually harassing his student.

Head of Sub-Directorate 4 Youth, Children and Women (Renakta) of the South Sumatra Police Ditreskrimum Police Commissioner Masnoni said the Unsri FKIP lecturer with the initials A (34) had fulfilled the second summons for investigators according to the agenda.

"Reported A arrived at the Police Headquarters at around 09.00 WIB accompanied by his legal adviser. Currently, the person concerned is still being investigated intensively," he told reporters, Monday, December 6.

A was investigated by the General Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Sumatra Police.

According to Masnoni, the reported lecturer was summoned for questioning regarding the alleged sexual harassment he committed against the victim with the initials DR, his own student. At this time, the person concerned is still a witness.

"It is possible that the status of the reported party will change. But we are still waiting for the results of the investigator's examination, just wait for the process," he said.

Therefore, he continued, information from the reported lecturer was urgently needed to complete the investigation file. Because investigators had collected information from witnesses, namely the victim's colleague from the Student Executive Board (BEM) KM Unsri and a motorcycle taxi driver subscribed to the victim DR.

In fact, they have conducted a crime scene (TKP) at the History Laboratory of FKIP Unsri, Indralaya campus, Ogan Ilir on Wednesday, December 1.

The results of the crime scene revealed that there were several scenes showing the reported lecturers physically sexually harassing the victim in the laboratory.

Meanwhile, the reported legal adviser, Darmawan said, A has admitted to the incident. "Our client has acknowledged that this incident occurred, and has received punishment from the campus," he said.

For this action, the lecturer has received punishment from the Unsri rectorate, including the revocation of his lecturer certification, four years without a promotion and revocation of his structural position in FKIP, he said.

However, he hopes that investigators can consider the cooperative attitude carried out by his client.

He said that before this case was handled by the police, the complainant and his client had been met or mediated by the campus.

"Of course we expect investigators to consider this matter," he said.