Revocation Of Application Asking TNI Members To Be On The Security Team, Hillary Brigitta Lasut: Ordered By The Party

JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR RI from the NasDem Party faction, Hillary Brigitta Lasut, confirmed the letter addressed to the Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman regarding the cancellation of the request for assignment of members of the Indonesian Army as an independent security assistance alias personal aide. which must be delivered no later than today. However, he did not mention further whether the instructions came from the chairman of the NasDem faction in the DPR, Ahmad Ali, or directly from the general chairman of the party, Surya Paloh. "The party was ordered to withdraw the letter no later than the 6th. In ethical terms, the letter was canceled by letter," said Hillary in a text message received by VOI, Monday, December 6.

In the letter, the NasDem politician also apologized, especially to the NasDem Party faction group. Because, said Hillary, the letter requesting an aide has caused a commotion in the public sphere.

"We apologize and hope that this will not interfere with the good cooperation so far between the TNI AD and Commission I of the DPR RI, especially with the Nasdem Party Faction group," Hillary wrote.

The cancellation has also been confirmed by the Head of the Information Service of the Indonesian Army (Kadispenad) Brigadier General Tatang Subarna to reporters, Monday, December 6. Tatang revealed, Hillary Brigitta Lasut withdrew and canceled her application letter through Letter Number 125/SE/DPR-RI/HBL/XII/2021 dated December 3, 2021.

"It is true that the cancellation of the request for assignment of members of the Indonesian Army as personal aides by member of Commission I DPR-RI Nasdem Party Faction Hillary Brigitta Lasut, which had gone viral in the mass media," said Brigadier General Tatang.