9 Lifestyles That Cause Constipation

JAKARTA – Lifestyle has an effect on what is experienced by the body, especially with regard to health. Digestion does not work properly and causes constipation is one of the problems that are often experienced.

Constipation or bowel movements that are hard and dry are most commonly caused by changes in routine, lack of fiber intake in the daily menu, and lack of exercise. In the process, water makes up about three-quarters of the content of feces. The remainder is made up of solids including undigested fiber, gut bacteria, and dietary fat.

Food eaten every day, its nutrients are absorbed in the small intestine. Peristalsis directs food waste that has been absorbed nutrients into the large intestine. Excess water is removed, while waste is stored in the rectum until it is expelled through the anus. If you are constipated, try to evaluate the activity that causes it as below.

1. Change of routine

Normal bowel movements depend on regular and rhythmic bowel contractions. Reported by Better Health, Monday, December 6, the regularity and rhythm of contractions is part of the body's internal clock and is often disturbed by changes in routine. Therefore, people who like to travel or shift workers often experience constipation.

2. Low-fiber diet

There are 2 types of fiber in foods that are often consumed, namely soluble and insoluble fiber. Both help digestion to push and soften stools. Soluble fiber helps soften stool, which is found in nuts, fruits and vegetables. While insoluble fiber helps feces move faster and is contained in bran, wheat, cereals.

Diets low in fiber, both soluble and insoluble, directly cause constipation. So, make sure there is enough fiber in your daily menu so that the digestive process as well as wanting to be more fluent.

3. Not drinking enough

Consumption of sufficient fiber foods must be balanced with drinking enough mineral water. Because insufficient water and a high-fiber diet can trigger constipation.

4. Lack of movement

With exercise the process of digestion of food can be more smoothly. Lack of exercise is the most common cause of constipation. So, try to fill your rest time with lots of ways if you have to work all day.

5. Tend to 'postpone' going to the toilet

The tendency to ignore the urge to defecate means that more water will be expelled from the stool. This makes the stool dry and hard, making it difficult to pass. This means avoiding ignoring the urge to keep your body sensitive to normal signals to have a bowel movement.

6. Consumption of several types of drugs

Certain medications, such as antidepressants, iron supplements, antihypertensives, and non-magnesium antacids, are known to slow down bowel movements. The effect, starting from the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, peristalsis, processes in the large intestine, to the rectum will work more slowly and cause constipation.

7. During pregnancy

During pregnancy, mothers experience hormonal changes. Hormonal changes, reduced activity, and pressure of the growing uterus against the intestines can cause constipation. This effect can be overcome in simple ways, such as consuming enough fiber foods and drinking mineral water.

8. Old age

Good habits related to lifestyle need to be done with age. Such as enough exercise, a balanced diet and contain fiber, and drink enough mineral water. Although this cause of constipation is unavoidable, it can be minimized with a simple routine to support all aspects of health.

9. Disease factor

During periods of illness, the body undergoes many changes, especially diseases that require hospitalization and bed rest. Usually this causes constipation.

Are the factors above including those that you experience that cause constipation? If you have anticipated such as consuming enough fiber and drinking enough mineral water but still experiencing constipation, it is advisable to check with a doctor.