Protesters Were Killed, UN Rebukes Myanmar's Military Regime: They Must Be Held To Account

JAKARTA - The United Nations (UN) has called on Myanmar to hold accountable anyone who used excessive force against unarmed civilians after security forces rammed a car into anti-coup protesters killing five of them, according to media and witnesses.

Photos and videos posted on social media showed a speeding vehicle crashing into a group of anti-coup protesters on Sunday in the main city of Yangon with bodies lying on the road. Witnesses told Reuters dozens of people were injured.

"Those responsible for the disproportionate use and deployment of force against unarmed civilians must be held accountable," Ramanathan Balakrishnan, the UN resident coordinator in Myanmar, said in a statement.

Meanwhile, news portal Myanmar Now said the incident happened minutes after the flash mob of people protesting the February 1 military coup. In addition to at least five people killed and 15 arrested, the state-run Global New Light of Myanmar newspaper said security forces broke up "unlawful riots" and arrested eight protesters.

In addition, the newspaper said three people were injured but did not mention the deaths and said those arrested would face legal action.

The United States Embassy said in a statement that it was "appalling to report that security forces opened fire on, ran over, and killed several peaceful protesters".

Anti-military protests have not stopped, although more than 1,300 people have died since the overthrow of the elected government led by Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi in February, followed by the military's return to power.

One of the protesters on Sunday said he fell after being hit by a vehicle before fleeing.

"A soldier beat me with his rifle but I resisted and pushed him back. Then he shot me straight away as I ran in a zigzag pattern," the protester, who declined to be named for security reasons, told Reuters by telephone.

A car carrying soldiers hit the crowd from behind, two witnesses said. Soldiers chased down the scattering protesters arresting and beating several people. Some were injured with head wounds and unconscious, according to witnesses.

A military spokesman did not respond to Reuters' attempts to contact him for comment on the incident.

Earlier, the military said the slain protesters sparked violence. It said they staged the coup because the November election last year won by Suu Kyi's party had been rigged.

The Myanmar Coup. VOI editors continue to monitor the political situation in one of the ASEAN member countries. Civilian casualties continued to fall. Readers can follow news about the Myanmar military coup by tapping this link.