Sengigi Tourism Area, West Lombok, Floods, No Signs Of Receding

NTB - Floods hit the Senggigi tourist area in West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, causing roads, settlements and hotel areas to be inundated, Monday, December 6.

The road that connects the West Lombok region with the city of Mataram is also inundated. Drivers who are desperate to cross a flooded road face the consequences of a dead vehicle engine.

"It's dead, it can't be turned on. I was passing through the flood while my motorbike was on, then suddenly it died," said Abdurrahman, a resident who was about to go to the Senggigi tourist area using a motorbike, reported by Antara. to Mataram City and vice versa.

In addition to inundating roads and tourist areas, flooding caused several villages in the Senggigi area, such as Tanak Ember and Teloke villages in Batulayar District, to be inundated.

The flood that hit the Senggigi tourist area from 08.00 WITA to 13.00 WITA has not shown any signs of receding.