Vidkill Film Promises Tension For Those Who Miss Horror Thriller Films In Cinema

JAKARTA - The horror thriller film, Vidkill is ready to hit theaters this week starting December 9. The film produced by Max Pictures was done with a different concept. Vidkill is directed by Dyan Sunu, who is working on a thriller genre film for the first time.

"First I want to thank Max Pictures for giving me the opportunity to work on this film. The idea of this film, is the situation that existed during the Covid-19 pandemic, which made us accustomed to video calls and such. So I made a film concept with video call. This is my small contribution to the world of Indonesian films. Hopefully it will be well received by the public," he said after the premiere in Mampang, South Jakarta, Saturday, December 4.

Max Pictures producer, Ody Mulya, hopes that the Vidkill film can bring moviegoers back to the cinema. "The main mission of this film is to enliven cinemas. Because until now, very few Indonesian films have been shown in cinemas. I hope this film can be accepted by the public, and enliven national cinema," he hoped.

Dikta, who plays the character Theo in this film, admits that he has difficulty acting in this film." The main difficulty playing in Vidkill is having to act with a camera, without a co-star. I explore and imagine more, I always think of meeting bad people," he explained.

Dikta's co-star, Estelle Linden, revealed that she was very interested in the concept of this film. "This is my first thriller genre film, and I enjoy every moment of acting in this film. I just hope that Vidkill moviegoers can also enjoy the tension that this film presents," he explained.

Shindy Huang also admitted that it was very challenging to act in this Vidkill film. "It's very challenging to act in the Vidkill film, because we don't compete in acting in one area. For me, this is very challenging, because I really have to keep imagining," he said.

Meanwhile, Gesya Shady admitted that the Vidkill film was very stirring feelings. "This film is very stirring feelings. There are many moral messages presented by this film. Hopefully the Vidkill film will be fun entertainment for all Indonesian film fans wherever they are," he hoped.