Ex-KPK Investigator Novel Baswedan Etc. Visits Police Headquarters, Socializes Being ASN

JAKARTA - Former KPK investigator Novel Baswedan and his colleagues who did not pass the National Insight Test (TWK) visited the National Police Headquarters, Monday, December 6.

Novel and a number of former KPK employees arrived at the Police Headquarters at around 08.00 WIB, went straight to the TCNN building at the Police Headquarters.

One of the former KPK employees, Yudi Purnomo, said that they came to the National Police Headquarters in order to fulfill the invitation, which was scheduled for 09.00 WIB.

"All are invited for technical socialization of recruitment," said Yudi when confirmed by Antara, Monday,

Previously, the Head of the National Police Public Relations Division, Inspector General Pol Dedi Prasetyo, said that the National Police invited 57 former KPK employees to socialize the Police Regulation regarding the special appointment of 57 former KPK employees as Polri ASN.

"Monday (next week) we (Polri) will first conduct socialization to the 56 former KPK employees," said Inspector General Dedi, when confirmed in Jakarta, Saturday, December 4.

This invitation follows the issuance of Perpol Number 15 of 2021 concerning the Special Appointment of 57 former KPK employees to become Polri ASNs.

According to Dedi, socialization is a stage that is carried out after the Perpol is issued and before the former KPK employee is sworn in as a National Police ASN.

Later, former KPK employees will occupy positions in accordance with a letter of approval from the Ministry of Administrative Reform Bureaucratic Reform (Kemenpanrb).

Furthermore, the National Police together with the State Personnel Agency (BKN) compiled an employee identification number (NIP) for the former KPK employee.

"For placement, it is adjusted according to competence and then with BKN to issue the NIP," said Dedi.

Perpol Number 15 of 2021 concerning the Special Appointment of 57 former KPK employees to become ASN Polri has been recorded in the State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 1308.2021.

The Perpol consists of 10 articles. In Article 1 paragraph (5) it is stated that the 57 former KPK employees are 56 people and one person who has been a KPK employee who is declared unable to be transferred to become an ASN employee at the KPK and with this Perpol is specifically appointed to be a Polri ASN.

Article 6 paragraph (1) B states that the 57 former KPK employees are appointed as civil servants if they have signed a statement including being willing to become civil servants, loyal and obedient to Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the legitimate government. And not involved in organizational activities that are prohibited by the government and/or court decisions.

Then Article 6 paragraph (2) states, the appointment as referred to in paragraph (1) must be based on adjustment of position, rank and period of service.

Then Article 4 states that the appointment as referred to in paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) is carried out by the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit Prabowo.