Pertalite Fuel Price In Jayawijaya Reaches Rp50,000/Liter, Police Hands Down

WAMENA - Jayawijaya Resort Police personnel, Papua Province, have just investigated the increase in Pertalite type fuel oil (BBM) at the retail level which reached IDR 50,000 per liter and has been going on for more than a week.

Jayawijaya Police Chief, AKBP Muh Safei said that if the police found residents selling at a price of more than Rp. 18,000/liter, the retailer would definitely be dealt with.

"Currently, detectives are conducting an investigation. For those who have raised the price from the actual dilute which is Rp. 18,000/liter, there are those who sell it to Rp. 50,000/liter, they believe and believe that he is closed," he said while in Wamena, Sunday, December 5.

The average fuel retailer who sells Pertalite at a price of Rp. 20,000, Rp. 25,000, Rp. 35,000, to Rp. 50,000 per liter does not have a permit.

"The retailer doesn't have a permit. From a humanitarian perspective, he is allowed to do retail sales as long as it doesn't harm the people. It means he is looking for a living, then the price is not too far from the standard in APMS," he said.

Previously the Regent of Jayawijaya, Jhon Richard Banua, admitted that there was still fuel at the retail level but it was hidden because the owner did not want to follow the price set by the government, which was Rp. 15,000 per liter for Pertalite.

"All these subsidized fuel retailers save their fuel to be able to increase fuel prices in Wamena because they don't want to follow government rules," he said as quoted by Antara.

A resident of Jayawijaya, Deni Alvin Tonjauw, admitted that he found Pertalite being sold at a price of IDR 50,000 per liter. "I bought two liters in front of the Potikelek Market for Rp. 100,000," he said.

Based on Antara's observation, the retailer of pertalite in the city center suddenly went quiet after hearing that the government required them to sell at a price of Rp. 15,000 per liter.

Prior to the government's policy on retail prices, the number of retailers reached more than 2,000 and could be easily found along roads in the center of the district capital.

Until Sunday, December 5, Jayawijaya residents were still having trouble getting Pertalite because retailers were still hiding their sales.