Chinese Roaming Robot Detects Strange Cube-shaped Object On The Moon, What Is It?

JAKARTA - A Chinese rover, dubbed Yutu-2, discovered an unusual cube-shaped object on the Moon, and it is quite far away. Yutu-2 is now targeting it as a new mission.

Yutu-2 has been landing on the Moon since early 2019, as part of the China National Space Administration's (CNSA) Chang'e-4 lunar lander mission. Now his eyes were fixed on the cube-shaped object visible in the distance.

China has dubbed the cube object the "mystery house", with the rover team planning to visit and take a closer look at the object. Because, Yutu-2's view of the cube is not very clear and seems far away, so the true nature of the object will become clearer as the rover robot gets closer.

Quoting CNET, Sunday, December 5, the mystery house itself is not the only interesting discovery of Yutu-2 on the Moon. Previously this rover robot also found a gel-like substance in the crater in 2019. The substance turned out to be a rock that looks like glass.

Furthermore, the most probable assumption is that the cube-shaped object is a large rock. The part of the Moon that Yutu-2 currently steps on is not flush with impact craters, which could display some debris.

The Chang'e-4 mission is the first surface exploration of the far side of the Moon. The work of the rover robots has helped scientists learn about what is happening to the geology below the Moon's surface.

The Yutu-2 itself is a solar-powered Chinese rover, so it periodically hibernates when it gets dark, and then returns to work at sunrise in the Von Karman crater. According to China Daily, Yutu-2 has traveled 2,756 feet (840 meters) across the Moon.