DKI Deputy Governor Confused Appears Hoax DKI Black Zone COVID-19

JAKARTA - Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta Ahmad Riza Patria (Ariza) admitted that he was confused by the circulation of hoax data about Jakarta being the black zone of COVID-19. Riza asked what the term black zone meant.

"What does the black zone mean?" asked Ariza when confirmed, Wednesday, August 12.

Ariza emphasized that in determining the risk of COVID-19 cases in an area, the government does not use the term black zone. The existing zones are green, yellow, orange, and red zones.

"There is no black zone," he stressed.

Currently, the spread of COVID-19 in DKI is indeed quite high. One of the reasons is the increase in the capacity of testing for COVID-19 in the community. Because, according to him, the massive identification of cases will control the rate of transmission of the corona virus.

"Our testing is extraordinary. The number can be 5 to 10 thousand per day. Per week it is above 55 thousand. That's a solution with testing. If the testing is multiplied, the number of spread is visible," he said.

Previously reported, an image circulated showing all cities in DKI Jakarta to be a black zone for COVID-19. In the picture is the logo of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

Regarding the picture, Deputy VII of the Communication and Information Division of BIN, Wawan Hari Purwanto, said that the picture showing the condition of DKI as a black zone was a hoax.

"The image is a hoax. BIN has never produced the data," said Wawan when confirmed by VOI.

In the circulating image, it is stated that DKI became a black zone on August 4. One indicator that determines is the number of active cases. Active cases are conditions with positive confirmed cases that are still being treated or are undergoing independent isolation.

The data states that active cases over 1,000 fall into the black zone category. There is an inclusion of a map of DKI Jakarta which is displayed in black. This figure also accompanies active case data in all cities in DKI.

In details, Central Jakarta has 1,942 active cases, North Jakarta has 1,483 active cases, West Jakarta has 1,268 active cases, South Jakarta has 1,234 active cases, and East Jakarta has 1,202 active cases.

When compared with data held by the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, the number of active cases is not much different from the circulating picture.

As of August 9, the COVID-19 Task Force has released data on active cases in DKI, namely Central Jakarta with 2,213 active cases, North Jakarta 1,775 cases, South Jakarta 1,309 cases, East Jakarta 1,305 cases, and West Jakarta 1,268 cases.

However, it cannot be said that Jakarta is in a black zone. This is because the Health Ministry's Director General of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) Achmad Yurianto said there is no term black zone in the risk categorization of COVID-19 in each region.

"We do not recognize the black zone. There are green, yellow, orange and red zones," said Yurianto.