Man's Body In Samosir Sumut Found Without Legs, Hands And Head

MEDAN - Residents in Sosor Dolok Village, Harian District, Samosir Regency, North Sumatra were shocked by the discovery of the body of an unidentified man.

When found, the condition of the body is not intact. The hands, feet and head of the corpse were missing.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Samosir Police, AKP Suhartono, said that the victim was found by a passerby at around 09.00 WIB, Wednesday, December 1 in the Aek Matio River. Currently, the police are still looking for other missing body parts, one of which is the victim's head.

"The (head) has not been found yet, that's still the part of the body (which was found)," Suhartono said, in a written statement, Friday, December 3.

Police are still trying to find out the identity of the victim. The victim's body is currently in the autopsy process.

"The body was taken to the Bhayangkara Hospital in Medan, its identity is still unknown," Suhartono said.

Regarding the alleged murder, Suhartono did not want to speculate. They are still waiting for the autopsy results.

"Because the name was there (found) in the river, it got stuck in the rocks. We are still investigating," he said.