Lhokseumawe Police Deploy 1,000 Personnel To Secure GAM's Milad

BANDA ACEH - The Lhokseumawe Police, Aceh, deployed 1,000 joint personnel to secure the anniversary or the anniversary of the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) which is commemorated on December 4.

"We have prepared and prepared 1,000 joint personnel of the National Police, the TNI, and the Satpol PP to secure the GAM anniversary activities," said Lhokseumawe Police Chief AKBP Eko Hartanto, quoted by Antara, Friday, December 3.

AKBP Eko said that so far there were several parties who had asked for permission to hold GAM's anniversary commemoration activities. The activity was filled with praying together, helping orphans and visiting the graves of former GAM.

"We will continue to carry out security in the activities that will be held at several points in order to maintain security and public order," said Eko.

In addition, said Eko Hartanto, the police are also increasing patrols and raids, especially at a number of points within the jurisdiction of the Lhokseumawe Police, including the Samudera area, Muara Batu, and several other places.

The patrols and raids were carried out in order to create safe and conducive conditions for the comfort of the people in the jurisdiction of the Lhokseumawe Police.

"The patrols and raids are carried out to anticipate the entry of unwanted things, such as drug trafficking, sharp weapons and other prohibited items," said Eko.

The Lhokseumawe Police Chief said that his party would continue to maintain public order by using a persuasive, preventive and humanist approach with all levels of society.

"We hope that this effort will make the situation and condition of the security and social order well-maintained, so that community activities run smoothly and are able to bring in investors for the progress of the region," continued Eko.