Educational Startup Pahamify Ends Four Weeks Social Campaign To Business Partners

JAKARTA - Educational startup PT Pahami Cipta Edukasi (Pahamify) is said to have just completed a social activity entitled Pahamify Parents Week 2021 for the company's business partners.

Pahamify's Operating Officer (COO) Mohammad Ikhsan said that this event was intended to encourage the company's main market, namely parents and students, about adapting to learning in the new era of the pandemic.

“Pandemic conditions bring a new approach to learning. Reduced face-to-face meetings have the potential to reduce the learning message itself. For that, we are here to provide solutions to help people adapt to the current situation, especially in the field of education," he said in an official statement, Friday, December 3.

According to Ikhsan, it is not uncommon for parents to lack understanding of changing learning patterns and also the needs of their children. Therefore, Pahamify Parents Week 2021 seeks to be a means to be able to produce solutions to these challenges.

"We believe this event can be a useful experience in achieving educational targets," he said.

For information, this 4.0 era company claims to have succeeded in getting the attention of more than 3,500 participants for four weeks of organizing activities. It was noted that a number of competent sources were invited to share their knowledge, including the government spokesman for COVID-19 dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro, observer of Seto Mulyadi's children, and public figure Donna Agnesia.

"As a business development, we have provided tens of thousands of learning videos which are expected to further increase user acquisition in the future," said Ikhsan.

Meanwhile, Pahamify is a learning application that can be accessed through the AppStore and Google Play. The company itself admits that this application has been downloaded more than 1 million times which is spread evenly in 34 provinces in Indonesia.