Ahead Of The 2024 Presidential Election, Repdem: We Are Waiting For Megawati's Command

JAKARTA - The wing organization of the PDI-P party, Volunteers for the Struggle for Democracy (Repdem) confirmed that it is ready to work hard in the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres).

The general chairman of the DPN Repdem, Wanto Sugito, stated that his party is certainly ready to bring the party bearing the bull symbol to victory three times in a row in the upcoming elections.

This was conveyed on the sidelines of the Repdem Anniversary celebration ceremony which was held at the Party School Building on Jalan Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta.

"We are targeting completion in March 2022, namely consolidation in order to prove Repdem as the party wing that strengthens the contribution of the PDI-P's electoral victory in 2024," Wanto said in a written statement quoted on Friday, December 3.

As for the supported candidate, he said Repdem would submit to Megawati Soekarnoputri's command as PDIP General Chair. Wanto emphasized that his party is ready to carry out all the orders of the 5th President of the Republic of Indonesia without exception.

"Regarding the presidential election, we are waiting for Mrs. Megawati's command. Are you ready?" Wanto said to the Repdem cadres who were present at the event.

"Ready," answered the participants in unison, clenching their fists and raising their hands.