The Regent of Agam Becomes a Suspect, He Asks His Supporters to be Patient

JAKARTA - The regent of Agam, West Sumatra, Indra Catri responded to the determination of himself as a suspect in the case of insulting DPR member, Mulyadi. He asked his supporters and sympathizers to respect the legal process.

"I appeal to all parties, especially residents of Agam Regency, sympathizers, and my supporters everywhere to always be patient and restrained. Let's respect the legal process," said Indra, Tuesday, August 12.

Indra will wait for the trial process to defend himself. He leaves the legal action to his lawyer.

"The next step towards the accusation against me, I leave it to the attorney that I've appointed. Self-defense can only be done during the trial. It is currently in the examination and filing stages, self-defense efforts cannot yet be put forward," continued Indra.

However, Indra refused to comment on the determination of the suspect timing, which is towards the West Sumatra Pilgub. Indra is a candidate for deputy governor, paired with Nasrul Abit.

"Inviting all parties to respect the ongoing legal process. Always respect the principle of presumption of innocence," he said.

The West Sumatra Regional Police named the Regent of Agam, Indra Catri, and the Regional Secretary of Agam, Martias Wanto, as suspects in the case of alleged hate speech and unpleasant acts against DPR member, Mulyadi, through a fake Facebook account named Mar Yanto.

Head of Public Relations of the West Sumatra Regional Police, Kombes Stefanus Satake Bayu, said the new suspect was named after a case was conducted. Also, after evidence was found, as well as expert witnesses and the National Police Headquarters cyber forensic laboratory.

"The two of them are suspects in the case of hate speech and displeasing acts against Mulyadi as a member of the Indonesian Parliament. His files are already P-21. The investigation and title of the case are carried out at the Police Headquarters," said Bayu.