So Wasteful Because Misunderstanding Self-Reward? This! Get To Know The Right Way

JAKARTA – Rewarding yourself for your hard work is called self-reward. It turns out, many people misunderstand the concept so that they are trapped in a consumerist lifestyle and become extravagant.

How to appreciate yourself is not limited to giving gifts. For example, by shopping for many items that are less functional, buying a favorite snack that is high in calories, or even a spa that drains the wallet. In the book Better Than Before written by Gretchen Rubin, reported by Psychcentral, Friday, December 3, there are many strategies that can be done to change habits.

According to Rubin, there are studies that show that people who get a little appreciation, actually have self-control. It's the secret of maturity, Rubin adds, that if someone gives more they ask for more, right?

The habit of giving 'gifts' to yourself builds two perspectives. First, there is an assumption that if you never give yourself a gift, it is considered as steadfastness or never pampering yourself. But if you never feel deprived and still have the motivation to work hard by being like that, your life can still be balanced, said Rubin.

The second perspective, giving self-reward with a gift but not considering it as a gift. This is risky, explained Rubin. Giving self-esteem needs to be based on a complete understanding of the experiences that have been passed and the goals that have been achieved.

Sometimes self-reward is not interpreted as an award but rather an activity that is blind or trapped in consumerism. Rubin's advice, we should all strive to have a healthy gift so that we can recharge in a healthy way too.

Operant conditioning theory in psychology, reported by JMC Academy Australia, suggests that we learn through reward and punishment. When a behavior is followed by a favorable outcome, a person is more likely to repeat the behavior. This is called positive reinforcement or positive reinforcement. Now, by rewarding yourself for the achievements that have been obtained, then learning for other achievements is considered to be more effective.

So what kind of self-reward works? For example, enjoying a weekend off, taking a short pleasant trip, or at home enjoying the warm family atmosphere. Self-reward is a way of rewarding yourself externally.

While internal self-rewards, such as feelings of pride and satisfaction for having completed a difficult project can also be done. Uniquely, according to studies, what is more effective in making us learn to achieve better achievements is to do internal self-reward. That means you don't have to spend too much in your wallet to 'appreciate' yourself.