As A Priority Target, The Government Continues To Encourage Vaccination Of Persons With Disabilities

JAKARTA - Government Spokesperson for COVID-19 dr. Reisa Broto Asmoro, said the government continues to take various steps to encourage vaccination for people with disabilities and has made them one of the priority targets.

"Since the beginning of this year, the government has included the disabled group as a priority for COVID-19 vaccination in the category of vulnerable people," he said at a virtual press conference monitored in Jakarta, Friday, December 3.

He explained that what is meant by vulnerable people is that they are one of the first to be protected because they are vulnerable to complications from serious illnesses when contracting COVID-19.

The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), said the Ambassador for the Adaptation of New Habits, estimates that there are around 562,242 persons with disabilities who are included in the target of the COVID-19 vaccination program in Indonesia.

According to data from the Ministry of Health as of December 3, 2021, from the target of 141,211,181 people in the broad and general category, there were 82,096,625 people who received the first dose and 51,585,486 people who had received two vaccine injections.

Various steps have been taken to support the vaccination of persons with disabilities, such as the issuance of a circular from the Minister of Health stating that persons with disabilities can be served in all health facilities and not limited to the domicile of the KTP. HK.02.01/MENKES/598/2021 regarding the Acceleration of the Implementation of COVID-19 Vaccination for the Elderly, People with Disabilities, as well as Educators, and Education Personnel.

He stated that all parties work together to encourage the achievement of vaccinations for persons with disabilities and the elderly, including mobilizing transportation to and from the health care center where the vaccination is carried out.

The Ministry of Health has also issued a Circular Number HK.02.02/III/15242/2021 regarding the Implementation of COVID-19 Vaccination for Vulnerable Communities and Other Communities Who Do not Have a NIK.

"The circular addressed to all heads of provincial, district and city Health Offices emphasizes that all levels of government uphold the spirit of keeping all Indonesian people protected from exposure to the COVID-19 virus," said Reisa as quoted by Antara.