Boyfriend In North Sumatra Who Put His Genitals On Top Of The Koran Becomes A Suspect

MEDAN - Investigations into the alleged blasphemy case, which was carried out by a man with the initials RS in Medan, North Sumatra, by sticking his genitals and stepping on the Koran, continue to roll on. Recently, the Medan Polrestabes Criminal Investigation Unit has again named a suspect in the case.

The new suspect is a female ES, a lover from the hospital. Previously, the hospital had been named a suspect and had been detained.

"It is true (as a suspect), his initials are ES," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Medan Polrestabes Kompol M Firdaus when confirmed, Friday, December 3.

Previously, Kompol Firdaus explained that the motive for the hospital, which is a resident of Labuhan Deli District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, was to convince his love for a woman.

"Convincing his girlfriend that the perpetrator really loves him," said Kompol Firdaus.

For his actions, the hospital was charged with Article 28 of the ITE Law and Article 156 of the Criminal Code which carries a 6 year prison sentence.

"The perpetrator has been named a suspect and has been detained," he said.