This Man Understands Gajah Mada, Diponegoro, Joyoboyo, Until Ronggowarsito, And He Is The Ukrainian Ambassador

SEMARANG - Usually, a number of ambassadors from foreign countries come to Central Java to discuss cooperation and investment. But not with the Ukrainian Ambassador, Vasyl Hamianin. He met with Governor Ganjar Pranowo and discussed traditional culture and arts.

This, of course, surprised Ganjar. Moreover, the Ukrainian Ambassador is very familiar with the history of the Indonesian nation from a number of books he reads.

"We Ukrainians know that Central Java is the heart and soul of Indonesia. In Ukraine, there are many books about Indonesian culture and literature. I've read Joyoboyo, Ronggowarsito and other history books," said Vasyl.

Vasyl also amazed Ganjar with stories about his knowledge of Gajah Mada to Prince Diponegoro. Vasyl even said that Indonesia is very great because it can unite the diversity of tribes, religions, races and cultures with the banner of Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

"We Ukrainians are also almost the same as Indonesia. We fought against the invaders for about 300 years and we also have heroes like Prince Diponegoro, General Sudirman and others. We also have many ethnicities and religions," he explained.

The Ukrainian Ambassador's statement made Ganjar stunned. He did not expect that knowledge of Indonesian culture and traditions was so well understood by the Ukrainian people. In fact, Vasyl was given a souvenir by Vasyl with a Javanese book entitled Poestakaradja Poerwa which he brought directly from Ukraine.

"I have had an ambassador visit for my entire life, this is the first time I feel extraordinary. This Ukrainian ambassador is extraordinary, the first time he told me he was very understanding about Gajah Mada, Diponegoro and even Ronggowarsito. In my opinion, he is great, because he does not only talk about practical work same, but to philosophical values," said Ganjar.

Ukraine, Ganjar continued, has many similarities with Indonesia. And what makes him proud, even though they both have many tribes, religions, races and groups, the Ukrainian Ambassador praised Indonesia because everything can be united under the banner of Unity in Diversity.

"That's what he said himself, so this is something that makes us proud. How the values of Pancasila, Bhineka Tunggal Ika by the Ukrainian people are understood as something to unite," he explained.

Usually, he continued, if there is a visit from the ambassador, the discussion is related to practical matters. But today no, he and the Ukrainian Ambassador discussed philosophical matters that could elevate the dignity of the nation and state.

"I think this is very interesting, and of course there are some things that are more technical in nature, related to cooperation we will follow up on in the future. There are many potential collaborations that we can work on," he concluded.

Met after the event, the Ukrainian Ambassador Vasyl Hamianin came to Central Java because he considered this province to be the root of the Indonesian state. Garuda Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal Ika were taken from the Javanese language, Sanskrit which made him very interested in coming to this province.

"It's very important for me to know and come to Central Java. I've only been in Indonesia for a month, I don't know anything about Indonesia. So, I'm looking for the roots and foundations to know Indonesia. If we know, then we can be friends, can work together for the sake of prosperity and progress of the respective peoples," Vasyl said.